10 minutes from Alamodome Stadium
12 minutes from San Antonio Station
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Valerie Reed
7月 2023
Thank you for this service this way we did not have to lug around our luggage for 5 hr
Shannen Cristobal
2月 2020
Easy to use!
バッグを落とすのはとても簡単でした! 食べ物の場所も良かったので、荷物を去る前に一口をつかむことができました:)
It was really easy to drop off the bag! It was nice that it was a food place as well so I was able to grab a bite before I left my luggage :)
2月 2020
私のホストは素晴らしかった。 簡単な処理。 たぶん、amazonがパッケージに使用するようなロックコンボを持ついくつかのボックスを追加してください
My host was great. Easy process. Maybe add some boxes with lock combos like amazon uses for packages
私はもう1日町にいて、その夜遅くまで飛行は予定されていなかった。 うれしい私は、このオプションをグーグルと場所へのアクセスが容易で近くの私のホストを発見した.. 素晴らしいサービスと、あなたがそこに食べるために何かをつかむしている間。
I was in town for one more day and flight wasn’t scheduled till later that night. Glad I googled this option and found my host nearby in a easy to access location.. great service and while you’re there grab something to eat.
Laura Packard
10月 2019
Awesome Service!
Awesome Service!
Hubby and I had 8 hours between hotel check out and our flight home. We wanted to see the sights and had no clue what to do with our luggage. Found Radical Storage in a google search - what an amazing service!!! $6/bag. Easy quick drop off and pick up. Our bags were safe for the day so we could go walk around. Plus the place was a restaurant and had the bomb burgers. I highly recommend this service to anyone traveling with time after checkout.
Hubby and I had 8 hours between hotel check out and our flight home. We wanted to see the sights and had no clue what to do with our luggage. Found Radical Storage in a google search - what an amazing service!!! $6/bag. Easy quick drop off and pick up. Our bags were safe for the day so we could go walk around. Plus the place was a restaurant and had the bomb burgers. I highly recommend this service to anyone traveling with time after checkout.
Ryan custodio
9月 2019
Simple & Straightforward!
Simple & Straightforward!
They were nice and welcoming. Easy drop off and pick up. It was nice that the place we were storing our bags was also a food place. We were able to have a meal before we headed to the airport.
They were nice and welcoming. Easy drop off and pick up. It was nice that the place we were storing our bags was also a food place. We were able to have a meal before we headed to the airport.
brittany erwin
7月 2019
San Antonio
San Antonio
This is a great service! I had a large bag and I didn't want to lug it around during my 12-hour layover. It was so great to leave my bag somewhere safe while I spent the day in the city. It was easy and so useful for me
This is a great service! I had a large bag and I didn't want to lug it around during my 12-hour layover. It was so great to leave my bag somewhere safe while I spent the day in the city. It was easy and so useful for me
でRadical Storageを使用しました
すべて表示3百万 荷物を保存
24/7 カスタマーサポート
$ 3000 荷物 保障
4.8 ( 254907 レビュー )
$ 6