Find din bagageopbevaring
you're dropping your bags at
Vis mere show lessSan Giovanni
7 minutter fra Re di Roma Station
7 minutter fra Lodi Station
9 minutter fra Rom Tuscolana Station
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security camera
luggage supervision
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Ramona A Epure
may 2019
Meget praktisk
Very convenient
Første gang vi brugte denne applikation, var det meget praktisk for os at bruge denne service, da vi havde 6 timer mellem check-out og flyrejsen. Vi kunne nemt finde placeringen meget tæt på vores bolig, personalet var meget imødekommende, de hjalp os endda med at ringe til en taxa til lufthavnen. Tøv ikke med at bruge denne app for at nyde de sidste timer fra din ferie uden at bekymre dig om bagageopbevaring. Og alt dette til en billig pris!
First time using this application, it was very convenient for us to use this service, as we had 6 hours between check out and the flight. We could easily find the location very close to our accommodation, the staff was very agreable, they even helped us calling a cab for the airport. Do not hesitate to use this app in order to enjoy the last hours from your holiday, without worrying about luggage deposit. And all this for a cheap price!
Marnina L
july 2018
Meget høflig og professionel
Very polite and professional
Butikken var meget imødekommende. Det var en god service.
The store was very accommodating. It was a great service.
Cesar B
july 2018
Erfaring!! Stærkt anbefale!
Experience!! Strongly recommend!
Fremragende! Jeg anbefaler folk, der skal tage Tusculana-toget
Excelente! Recomiendo a las personas que tengan que cojer el tren Tusculana
Alexandra C
june 2018
Sikkert sted
Safe place
Sikkert sted at efterlade dig tasker og en meget flot og billig bar at have øl og pasta.
Safe place to leave you bags and a very nice and cheap bar to have beer and pasta.
Marta G
may 2018
nyttig service
useful service
Denne service er en glimrende idé, nyttig og billigere end bagageopbevaring på nogle af hovedstationerne.
This service is an excellent idea, useful and cheaper than luggage storage at some of the main stations.
Andras b
december 2017
Fed service
Cool service
Fed service,
lige afleveret og hentet taske på ca. 2 minutter, let at finde.
Havde også en cappucino til at understøtte tjenesten :)
Perfekt til Rom Tuscolana-togankomster/-afgange.
Cool service,
just dropped off & picked up bag in ca 2 mins at easy to find.
Also had a cappucino to support the service :)
Perfect for Rome Tuscolana train arrivals/departures.
i used bagbnb in
nearby luggage storage locations
Se alleI dag:
Åben 24/7
Bagageopbevaring Lodi metrostation
Furio Camillo
6 minutter fra Lodi Metrostation
6 minutter fra Villa Fiorelli (Avelli)
6 minutter fra Villa Fiorelli (Avelli)
I dag:
Åben 24/7
Bagageopbevaring Lodi metrostation
(Average Review Rate)
1 minut fra Lodi Metrostation
9 minutter fra San Giovanni
9 minutter fra San Giovanni
I dag:
Åben 24/7
Bagageopbevaring Metrostationen Re Di Roma
San Giovanni
3 minutter fra Re di Roma metrostation
7 minutter fra Amphitheatrum Castrense
7 minutter fra Amphitheatrum Castrense
I dag:
Åben 24/7
Bagageopbevaring Re Di Roma
Quartiere IX Appio Latino
3 minutter fra Re di Roma metrostation
2 minutter fra Nuovo Teatro Orione
2 minutter fra Nuovo Teatro Orione
I dag:
Åben 24/7
Bagageopbevaring Tuscolana banegård
1 minut fra Tuscolana Railway Station
4 minutter fra Ex Deposito Bus STA - Atac
4 minutter fra Ex Deposito Bus STA - Atac
2 Million Bags Stored
24/7 Kundeservice
€ 3000 Luggage Garanti
4.8 ( 254907 reviews )
€ 5