Find din bagageopbevaring
you're dropping your bags at
Central Station
1 minut fra Riga Cathedral
3 minutter fra House of the Black Heads
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february 2025
Betjeningen gik rigtig godt Det var dog ærgerligt, at den oprindelige adresse ikke var korrekt, da forretningen/butikken, hvor kufferten skulle efterlades, var flyttet. Da jeg ankom til den gamle butik, fandt jeg opslaget med den nye adresse. Jeg vil foreslå at opdatere adresserne. Ellers hurtigt og praktisk.
The service went very well It was a pity, however, that the initial address was not correct as the business/shop where the suitcase was to be left had moved.When I arrived at the old shop, I found the notice with the new address. I would suggest updating the addresses Otherwise quick and practical .
december 2024
december 2024
i used bagbnb in
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Luggage Storage near Lettiske Nationalopera
Central Station
2 minutter fra den lettiske nationalopera
8 minutter fra House of the Black Heads
8 minutter fra House of the Black Heads
2 Million Bags Stored
24/7 Kundeservice
€ 3000 Luggage Garanti
4.8 ( 254907 reviews )
€ 5