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historic ybor 行李寄存

保证金 $ 3000 保证金
Historic Ybor
5 minutes from Tampa Baseball Museum
5 minutes from Ybor City State Museum
12 minutes from Ybor Square


(22 评价)
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ROGER 四月 2024
Easy to leave the luggage and easy to retrieve! Very good experience!
PABEN 三月 2024
ANDREA 二月 2024
精彩的服务!地理位置优越。我们喜欢在巡游后去春训前在附近闲逛。我们还在附近喝了几杯好咖啡,吃了一顿简单的早餐。如果我们需要一个放行李的地方,我们一定会再次光顾。 再次感谢!
Wonderful service! Great location. We loved hanging around the neighborhood before heading to Spring Training for the day post cruise. We even hung around for some great coffee and a light breakfast. Will definitely use again if we need a place for our luggage to hang out for the day. Thanks again!
MICHAEL 十二月 2023
我带着两个行李箱在坦帕滞留了 11 个小时,等待航班。 好在有个地方可以放下行李,这样我就可以游览这座城市了。
I was stranded in Tampa for 11 hours with two suitcases waiting on a flight. It was nice to have a place to drop off my luggage so I could visit the city.
TEENA G. 七月 2023
Stored luggage while sightseeing
我当时在坦帕地区度假,由于还不能办理入住手续,我们的行李就整天都在车上。我们一行人去动物园游玩时,觉得不把行李留在车上比较好。我看了一些评论,所以我们使用 Radical Storage 将行李放在了伊博尔的一家酒吧和烧烤店。当我们走进去的时候,有点不知道该做什么,但工作人员很熟悉,把我们引到了经理那里。他扫描了我的应用程序,并给我们的行李拍了照片。 他告诉我们只有经理才能帮我们取回行李,并告诉我们当天晚些时候值班的另一位经理是谁。总之,一切都很方便快捷,我们觉得我们的东西很安全。我们会再次使用它!
I was on vacation in the Tampa area and we wound up having our luggage with us all day as we couldn't check in yet. My group felt better not leaving luggage in the car while we went to the zoo. I had read reviews so we used Radical Storage to drop our luggage at a bar and grill in Ybor. When we walked in, we were a little unsure what to do, but the staff was familiar and directed us to the manager. He scanned my app and took pics of our luggage. He let us know that only managers could retrieve it for us and who the other manager on duty later in the day was. Overall, it was quick and easy, and we felt our things were safe. We would use it again!
LEONARDO J. 七月 2023
Life saver
无缝。我把我女儿的露营包放了一整个星期。 入住和离开都很简单,使我在剩下的一整个星期的旅行中不用再携带额外的行李。
Seamless. Dropped off my daughters sleep away camp bag for a full week. It was simple to check in and out and saved me from carrying additional luggage around the rest do the trip for a full week
我使用了Radical Storage在